Logistics and Competitiveness
Uruguay has various and very important advantages compared to other countries of the region. Those advantages have allowed various first level multinational and regional companies to consider Uruguay as an ideal location to place their distribution HUBs.

Main advantages identified are:

  • Geographic location and transit times
    The Republica Oriental del Uruguay is a small country with a territory of 176.000 km2 (land) and a total population of 3:5 million inhabitants. Nevertheless, it has a strategic geographical location in the region which has become a competitive advantage when evaluating the location of a Distribution HUB. Located between Argentina and Brazil, with coasts on the Atlantic Ocean, Rio de la Plata and Rio Uruguay, has an easy access to its neighboring countries through its ports and roads. Within a radius of 2.400 km a market of 200 million consumers is at hands reach.

    Transit times to those destinations (ground transportation) vary between 1 day (to Buenos Aires) and 4 days (Santiago de Chile and Sao Paulo).

Member of:


Regional Distribution Center n°1 & Main Office
Route 8 km 17.500 Of: 504 - Quantum
Zonamerica (CP: 91600), Montevideo
Tel.: (598) 2518 2555

Libertad Free Trade Zone

Regional Distribution Center n°2
Route 1 km 49 - Transcargo
Libertad Free Trade Zone (CP: 80100), San José
Tel.: (598) 4345 4873
Fax: (598) 4345 4874