
TRANSCARGO ZFM S.A. is a Logistic Services Provider who operates from Zonamerica and Libertad Free Trade Zones, to the region and the world.

TRANSCARGO ZFM S.A. is a company legally independent from TRANSCARGO S.A., who operates in other markets and under a different legal framework.
Miembro de:


Centro de Distribución Regional 1 y Oficina Central
Ruta 8 km 17.500 Of: 504 - Edificio Quantum
Zonamerica (CP: 91600), Montevideo
Tel.: (598) 2518 2555

Zona Franca Libertad

Centro de Distribución Regional 2
Ruta 1 km 49 - Edificio Transcargo
Zona Franca de Libertad (CP: 80100), San José
Tel.: (598) 4345 4873
Fax: (598) 4345 4874